IT infrastructure
Network engineering
We configure and install high-professional network solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises.
« Our solutions comprise amongst others the setting-up of secure VPN connections, the implementation of reliable backup solutions, the realisation of virtualisation to secure single components and to raise efficiency, the optimization of network structures and the implementation of firewalls and gateways. »
A successful network architecture acts in pursuance with the requirements of the customers - not the other way round!
Network Architecture
Don't worry - a convenient infrastructure and the best support make every day's work as easy as possible.
MOX! Memory only Linux
MOX is a scalable gateway and firewall. It optimally secures your internet and VPN connections.
A secure IT and a network with high system stability are very important. Often, companies are not aware of the importance until problems raise. These problems may cause loss of data or that employees cannot work for hours. We care that this does not happen to you.
Professional network solutions support companies and their employees in the their daily work. If network components and applications are hardly noticed and work smoothly, you have reached your aim of an optimal network architecture.
Further on, your centralised IT has to protect internal data of the company against unauthorised access. The rapid restore of data after theft, hardware defects, virus infections or accidentally deleting / overriding is necessary.
Especially the combination of good software and hardware products is essential. Through the analysis of the requirements and the competent support, we realize the optimal solution for our customers. A transparent cost structure and calculable IT operating costs make sure that the IT infrastructure meets the company's needs. According to our long-term expertise in the implementation and servicing of networks, we are your competent contact.
Backup Solutions
Data loss can have several reasons, e.g. defect of the hardware, theft or virus attacks. But also deleting or overwriting of data by mistake can cause the loss of important data. The fitting backup strategy restores lost data. »
Firewall & Gateway
Skalable gateways and open source firewalls provide secure internet and VPN connections. »
VPN Connections
VPN allows the secure exchange of data across two or several locations. Field workers get access to the internal network. Machines are installed, controlled and serviced worldwide. »
Optimisation of Network Architecture
Network structures that were expanded over the years are mainly complex and interlaced. Working with these structures is often inefficient. Missing documentations may furthermore cause a security vulnerability. »
Virtualisation improves the security level of single services, raises the efficiency of hardware and reduces the operating costs of the overall IT infrastructure. »
Complex IT infrastructure has to be continuously available. Monitoring tools check services, modules and hosts to guarantee uniterrupted operations. »
IT Security
Digital Data are one of the most important assets of a company. They simplify, shorten and improve processes and provide high efficiency of machines. Flexibility is clearly raised. Software and configurations contain tremendous knowledge and lead to competitive advantages. Without the know how included in this data, machines and hardware would become worthless.
Loss, manipulation or theft of this data mean substantial harm for a company and have to be avoided absolutely - now and in the future. It is an illusion to reach 100 % security in IT, but there are a lot of tools and components to approach the highest possible security level as far as possible. »

Does your IT meet the challenges of the future?
Consulting and Support
We analyse your existing IT infrastructure, offer consultation for future challenges and support you to implement the necessary tools and strategies. No matter if our are thinking about expansion, IT structural improvement or reinstalling IT services - we are a highly professional and reliable business partner and, in consultation with our customers, we plan and deliver optimum solutions. Additionally, we make sure that the network architecture operates smoothly.
Depending on your requirements, our support cover the following points to make your IT fit for future:
- analysis of status quo
- collection of requirements and targeted state
- execution of in-house workshops
- installation of server and virtual machines
- integration of special firewall systems (e.g. virtual firewalls, virtual LANs, security by isolation, VPN concepts)
- setup of parallel network structures (VLAN, VPN etc.)
- realisation of security and backup strategies
- failure strategies for aged hardware and software (e.g. covering controlling systems, critical infrastrucutre)
- 2nd and/or 3rd level support
- know how transfer for company internal IT employees
Problems and service challenges can be solved and needful system changes can be effected in a very short time via VPN connections. A service agreement specifies support services according to the customers needs and requirements and ensures reachability, response time and reduced hourly rates.
With our expertise in the areas of network engineering, automation, virtualisation and IT security and the combination of open source solutions and tools, we realise the best solutions for our customers. It would give us great pleasure to advice you in your IT strategy. »
Telephone systems / Workstations
« We take care for telephone systems and workstations that are highly customised and heterogeneous. They are as individual as our customers and their requirements. Though a similarity can be found: quality. Only professional solutions that have high standards of quality come into operation. »
Your telephone system has to deal with numerous subsidiaries? Additionally you need special configurations, waiting queues and a tool to manage your phone extensions? Do you prefer the use of a laptop or a pc or do you need the newest high-end computer? Our solutions follow your requirements - not the other way round.
VoIP telephone systems
VoIP telephony replaces old and expensive telephone systems and provides additional functions that are affordable.
Voice over IP (VoIP) uses Internet protocols to deliver voice communication over the network (e.g. the Internet). The telephone system consists only of a software and new terminals that are connected to the companies network like a PC. The telephone call takes place either classical over ISDN or over the Internet.
To connect into the conventional telephone network, so called media boxes are used between the IP network and the ISDN / analog network. They can be redundant if desired. Alternatively the VoIP telephony can take place over a SIP provider. Especially for telephone calls to foreign countries, cheaper scales are possible thereby, because the telephone call is broadcast over the Internet or the SIP provider to the conventional network.
Advantages of VoIP:
- General available telephone standard: Terminals of different producer can be connected.
- Cost savings: conventional server are used as telephone system, expensive telephone systems are not necessary any more
- Flexibility: to use the personal telephone numbers and direct dials all over the world, the only thing you need is a data connection to the VoIP server
- Independency of the location: VoIP is independent from the location as long as there is a connection to the Internet
- Broadcast in real-time without time delay
- Administration of VoIP telephony over a web interface
- Email notification: faxes are sent as PDF-attachments and voice mail box messages as sound attachments to the corresponding mail address
- Interactive voice response system (IVR)
- Only one main number is needed, through extension numbers the call is transferred to different office locations. Additionally, each phone extension can be provided with an own answering message or each user can have his own fax extension number.
- Easy connection between different locations (transferring of telephone calls)
- Possibility to connect VoIP to diverse software (Internet browser, mail program, enterprise resource planning systems etc.)
How can we switch to VoIP telephony?
Soft migration: The switch to VoIP takes place step by step. At the beginning, both technologies (including the existing telephone system) are used parallel.
Each customer has differing requirements on the PCs of his employees. According to these demands, the desktop PCs are configured with the needed systems and programs.
Annoying preconfigured software (with a date of expiry) are a thing of the past thereby. In case of an hardware defect, we care for the reparation as well as for spare parts. It is not necessary to send the computer back. We are glad to consult you before buying a workstation.
Mobility with a notebook, daily work on a desktop PC or video encoding at a high end computer - we make sure you get the best deal in terms of investment and room to grow, in cooperation with capable and dependable distributors.
Domain and Web Hosting / Mail Hosting / Cloud Services
« We are hosting several hundred web sites on our servers and administrate thousands of domain names as registrar. Security, scalability, load balancing availability and competent support are our strength. »
Enterprises need a professional web presence, but the web site on its own is not all. The domains have to be registered and administrated. A server structure assures the accessibility of a web site. Regular backups and updates protect data and accesses. A reliable mailing and the secure exchange of data complete the services accompanying the web presence.
Domain & Web Hosting
After a web site is published, it has to be reachable and up-to-date. But up-to-date does in this case not apply to the content but to the used technology. Outdated structures can easily be target of a hacking attack. Continuous updates of the web site and of the server structures are necessary.
Apart from registering Austrian and international domains - we are official partner and registrar of - we look after the necessary entries in the DNS server (domain name service server). This ensures that the domains of our customers are known and that they are accessible and available for services such as email, web site etc.
Additionally, we provide web space for our customers. The servers used for this purpose are located in a perfectly connected data processing service center. This guarantees optimal capability and high security for storage space. As possible options, we provide the programming of web sites and CMS (content management systems), e.g. Django CMS, Plone, Typo3, Joomla, Wordpress etc.
Mail Hosting
In nearly all areas of a company, email is used as basic component of the communication. Groupware and nwes systems simplify the administration of shared contacts, appointments and emails and enable constant exchange between the employees.
We support all mail clients that are available, but we prefer to use open source projects. Each customer has different requirements to his email administration, so we implement the solution which fits best their needs. The groupware solutions can be linked to any mail client like e.g. Outlook - we are glad to consult you and to clarify the details. A synchronization to mobile terminals is also possible.
After a changeover to a new mail system, the work flow can be continued as usual. The transfer of the old emails to the new system is possible in the most cases.
Private cloud means all cloud services that are run and managed by the user. Cloud service software is therefore installed on the own hardware.
Cloud Services - improve and secure collaboration
Our customers take advantage of using cloud computing and at the same time are certain that their data is saved in an Austrian infrastructure, highly available and securely stored. Therefore, we use well-established open source software and our own infrastructure.
Security, cost savings and availability - these key words mainly highlight the advantages of cloud computing. Before a decision for using a special cloud service is reached, important factors have to be considered additionally:
Storage Space
Each cloud service is customised to fit for the required data volume, file size and access rates We analyse the data traffic together with you and plan tailor-made cloud service solutions.
Comprehensive Security
Our cloud services are run in a secure and highly available hardware in Austria. Sensitive data is completely protected against inspection through third.
Individual Support
Unlike many commercial cloud solution provider, you have a contact person to ask for in case of problems or requests. If absolutely needed, you can make an export of your data.
« Standard web solutions are responsive to be optimally displayed in all current web browsers and mobile devices. Search engine optimisation is very important to be found in the internet. Content management systems (CMS) supports you to easily edit and adapt the content of your web page. »

We professionally realize your individual web site. Thereby we take your design requirements and all demands of a modern web site into consideration. Besides the choice of the fitting CMS and the realisation of the web site, we care for hosting, support and backup. If necessary, we install security updates of the CMS or implement extensions at any time.
CMS - Content Management Systems
In consideration of the requirements and the planed content (e.g. text, images, news area, blog) we select the suitable CMS. We mainly use open source tools like plone or django.
Shop Integration
We integrate your web shops in your web page and connect it to your enterprise resource planing (ERP) systems or logistic software or any other relevant platform. Additionally, we integrate payment and transaction services.
Responsive Design
An optimised web site is responsive. Design, navigation, images etc. are prepared for the use with different devices (e.g. pc, tablet pc, smartphone).

Database Connections
Contents of the web site should automatically be compiled using a database in the background? No problem. We realise the interfaces and connect your database.
SEO Friendly
The used CMS support measures for search engine optimisation. Modern technologies mprove the ranking of a web site in search engines.
To make sure that your web page is perfect and fits your needs, we offer all activities that come along with the implementation of a CMS. We mainly use open source tools like Plone or Django for the realisation of your web site. Further on, we support and host the most important CMS like Typo3, Wordpress or Joomla.