Farbleiste X-Net

IT infrastructure

by admin last modified 6 years ago

Portrait Alex to Network Engineering

Network engineering

We configure and install high-professional network solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises.

« Our solutions comprise amongst others the setting-up of secure VPN connections, the implementation of reliable backup solutions, the realisation of virtualisation to secure single components and to raise efficiency, the optimization of network structures and the implementation of firewalls and gateways. »

A successful network architecture acts in pursuance with the requirements of the customers - not the other way round!




X-Net Network Engineering

Network Architecture

Don't worry - a convenient infrastructure and the best support make every day's work as easy as possible.


Picture MOX4

MOX! Memory only Linux

MOX is a scalable gateway and firewall. It optimally secures your internet and VPN connections.


A secure IT and a network with high system stability are very important. Often, companies are not aware of the importance until problems raise. These problems may cause loss of data or that employees cannot work for hours. We care that this does not happen to you. 

Professional network solutions support companies and their employees in the their daily work. If network components and applications are hardly noticed and work smoothly, you have reached your aim of an optimal network architecture.

Further on, your centralised IT has to protect internal data of the company against unauthorised access. The rapid restore of data after theft, hardware defects, virus infections or accidentally deleting / overriding is necessary.

Especially the combination of good software and hardware products is essential. Through the analysis of the requirements and the competent support, we realize the optimal solution for our customers. A transparent cost structure and calculable IT operating costs make sure that the IT infrastructure meets the company's needs. According to our long-term expertise in the implementation and servicing of networks, we are your competent contact.

Picture X-Net Server

IT Security

Digital Data are one of the most important assets of a company. They simplify, shorten and improve processes and provide high efficiency of machines. Flexibility is clearly raised. Software and configurations contain tremendous knowledge and lead to competitive advantages. Without the know how included in this data, machines and hardware would become worthless.Logo Zimbra

Loss, manipulation or theft of this data mean substantial harm for a company and have to be avoided absolutely - now and in the future. It is an illusion to reach 100 % security in IT, but there are a lot of tools and components to approach the highest possible security level as far as possible. »

X-Net offers IT Security for Industrie 4.0

Does your IT meet the challenges of the future?

Grafik IT Security
X-Net Farbleiste

Consulting and Support

We analyse your existing IT infrastructure, offer consultation for future challenges and support you to implement the necessary tools and strategies. No matter if our are thinking about expansion, IT structural improvement or reinstalling IT services - we are a highly professional and reliable business partner and, in consultation with our customers, we plan and deliver optimum solutions. Additionally, we make sure that the network architecture operates smoothly.

Depending on your requirements, our support cover the following points to make your IT fit for future:

  • analysis of status quo
  • collection of requirements and targeted state
  • execution of in-house workshops
  • installation of server and virtual machines
  • integration of special firewall systems (e.g. virtual firewalls, virtual LANs, security by isolation, VPN concepts)
  • setup of parallel network structures (VLAN, VPN etc.)
  • realisation of security and backup strategies
  • failure strategies for aged hardware and software (e.g. covering controlling systems, critical infrastrucutre)
  • 2nd and/or 3rd level support
  • know how transfer for company internal IT employees

Problems and service challenges can be solved and needful system changes can be effected in a very short time via VPN connections. A service agreement specifies support services according to the customers needs and requirements and ensures reachability, response time and reduced hourly rates.

With our expertise in the areas of network engineering, automation, virtualisation and IT security and the combination of open source solutions and tools, we realise the best solutions for our customers. It would give us great pleasure to advice you in your IT strategy. »
X-Net Farbleiste
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