Farbleiste X-Net

Funeral Procession Management

by Katharina Kloiber last modified 2019-08-30T21:01:18+01:00
Logo Dobretsberger
The organisation of a funeral procession can sometimes be very complex for the funeral home. Guardians and bearers have to be scheduled for appointments, whereby availabilities and the amount of available hours have to be considered. Therefore, we developed a funeral procession-, management- and billing-software to simplify the handling for the funeral home F. Dobretsberger & Co. KG in Linz.

Project Description

The family of Dobretsberger has been running the oldest funeral home in Linz for 5 generations until now and takes care of the professional funeral procession. They accompany the bereaved in the time of mourning and helps them in the realisation of their wishes and desires.

Sometimes, the organisation of a funeral as well as the pay-off of the employees was a difficult undertaken. Attendance times, rejections and changes had to be recorded in several lists. It was really hard to keep track of all relevant informations. This is where we came in. We developed a platform available through the internet with a central data base. Guardians, bearers, arrangers, administrator and accounting have access to this platform and can use it according to their needs. Each role has an individual user interface that is accessible with different devices (PC, tablet PC, mobile phone).

X-Net Farbleiste


The funeral procession management system has registered all employees of Dobretsberger. When a funeral is organised, the corresponding date is entered and the available employees are assigned. They receive a SMS with the dates and can accept or refuse a date via SMS. Arrangers can see the status of the employees and if necessary invite other employees.

Employees enter absences (e.g. vacation, sickness absence) themselves, but they cannot change their contact details themselves. The actual attendance times result from the sum of the deposited hours at the funerals. The attendances of the guardians are calculated according to the internal methods. If necessary, the arranger can edit the number of hours for locations and employees. It needs controlling and approval, before the time data is sent to the payroll accounting using export functionalities.

If an employee cannot be reached via mobile phone, dates can be accessed through the web. The calendar has integrated functionalities to accept or refuse a date.
X-Net Farbleiste


Project start: April 2018

Project duration: 10 months


Find out more about F. Dobretsberger & Co. KG: http://www.dobretsberger.at/

X-Net Farbleiste