Farbleiste X-Net


by admin last modified 6 years ago

X-Net Mitarbeiterin

Security by Isolation

With the principle to isolate every single service and function, installations, production lines and other applications can be operated securely. »

« Virtualisation improves the security level of single services, enables the efficient use of hardware and helps to save operating costs. It optimises the use of a hardware as several virtual instances are installed on one server. Availability and performance remain constant with virtualisation. »

Virtualisation means that the used hardware, e.g. a physical server, is divided in several virtual server. A number of applications then use the resources of one hardware. As virtualisation solutions are mostly independent of the hardware, a virtual server can easily be copied. In case of a hardware defect, the system can rapidly be restarted.

Services, machines and applications are separated which leads to improved security. Services are isolated and successful hacking attacks only affect one service, not the whole network. Further on, the hardware and its capacities are used more efficiently. The necessary hardware equipment is reduced.

Virtualisation reduces operating costs, increases security and makes an important contribution to green IT strategies as the energy consumption is reduced and the air conditioning is restricted to fewer hardware that is working at full capacity.

X-Net Farbleiste

Flexible and fail-safe day-to-day business

We configure each hardware depending on your requirements. Different services and different operating systems can be installed on one hardware. Each application is highly available and individually protected against attacks. High system stability, flexibility and expandability of the existing resources are further advantages of the virtualisation. Backup and disaster recovery strategies additionally secure the data.

X-Net Farbleiste

software for virtualisation


Virtual Box is a software for the virtualisation of different operating systems. The program is modularly composed and easily adaptable. 

Hard disks are simulated in so called containers, configurations are saved as xml file and by that easy to export.

A further characteristic of Virtual Box is the support of USB and shared folders.



Logo VirtualBox

Logo XEN Project


Logo Docker


X-Net Icon Virtualisation


The virtual machine Qemu is for free and emulates the whole hardware of a computer. The software suits especially for live migration.

Qemu saves the whole status and transfers the virtual machine without stopping it to another host system, where it continues running without any interruption.

Additionally, modifications on the system are multiply saved through snapshots of the virtual machine and by that changes can be undone rapidly.



Server communicate in a virtual network and/or with another network.

VMware offers a save architecture and high portability. The image of a virtual machine can be copied and restarted easily.

VirtualCenter, a feature of VMware, allows the central administration of several VMware server and their virtual machines.




XEN allows the operation of several virtual machines on one physical processor. It is different to other virtualisation solutions as only parts of the hardware are emulated.

XEN provides defined interfaces to the operating systems instead, e.g. for hard disks, processor and network interface cards. Thereby, a high speed performance can be reached.



Resources of a hardware are separated and administered by container.

Docker is specialised on the virtualisation of linux and uses different interfaces to access the virtualisation functionalities of the linux kernel.


X-Net Farbleiste
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