
The DiscMaker contains up to 30 burning devices and up to three printing systems and is able to produce up to 4,000 CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays a day. Though we focus on the single copy: each medium is customised and can contain individual content and an individual label.
Project Description
In the past, customer projects showed the demand for a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray system with advanced features like air conditioning of the drives, redundant printing systems and daily production peaks of more than 1,000 optical media. No robot system on the market could deal with these demands, why we started in 2007 with the first concept of an industrial robot system for the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays. Two years later, we started with the development of the DiscMaker.
The robot system DiscMaker is not only the product of a single company but a collaborative development. Each member or the consortium was motivated to stretch the collaboration and realise enhancements even after the original project ended.
The target group of the DiscMaker can be found in each areas, where large data volumes exist that have to be archived or passed on to individuals (in a personalised way).
Industrial Design for the DiscMaker
The DiscMaker is available in two professional design alternatives. This allows that the robot system can be used in different operational areas, e.g. at data centres, in show rooms or at exhibitions. When the DiscMaker is placed in a data processing center where huge data traffic takes place, a functional design is used. The measurements of a 19'' server rack and the accessibility for service purposes at the front and at the back are constructed for the ideal use in computer centres. These conditions cannot be provided by any robot system worldwide except of the DiscMaker.
Project partners
The following companies and scientific institutions were member of the DiscMaker consortium and part of the development:
- Hammerschmid Maschinenbau GmbH
- ATV Elektronik GesmbH
- Automotive Solutions GmbH
- TU Wien, Institut für Fertigungstechnik (IFT)
- Austrian Center of Competence in Mechatronics (ACCM)
- X-Net Services GmbH
Key Data of the Project
Project start: 2009
Project duration: 24 months
Funding framework: COIN - program "Cooperation and Networks"

The project has received funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in the national structural program COIN - 'Cooperation and Networks'.