Farbleiste X-Net

Voucher Production

by admin last modified 2019-07-30T12:16:50+01:00
Software Supported Voucher Production
It is obvious that there must not be any mix-up or error when diverse vouchers are assembled, packed up and distributed to different mailing addresses. To ensure an error-free workflow, we developed in cooperation with the printing house Estermann a software that assists the production and records each step.

Project Description

Each production job is triggered over a web interface and covers several voucher types. Each voucher is provided with an area for additional printing. When the order for the assembling and packaging of the voucher is placed, the individual voucher codes are printed. The printed and assembled products are afterwards stored and distributed on call. It is obvious that there must not be any mix-up in the whole workflow.

As first step in the development of the software that should assist the production, we defined the detailed workflow in cooperation with Estermann. We identified the necessary parameters for starting of the production, assembling the products and distributing of the vouchers as well as the ready signal after each single step.

A product usually consists of 2 to 3 components. Each component is prduced separately and only assembled with the specific order - which may be placed later on. Within the assembling order, the individual codes are communicated and printed on the defined area on the voucher. To eliminate mix-ups especially during the packaging, each single voucher has a unique barcode which is scanned. The scanning process is recorded and errors (e.g. a product is used twice, error in the sequential number) are automatically shown. The ready signal as well as the recording are reported by our software.

The mentioned barcode is used again for the distribution of the vouchers. The code is scanned and assigned to the mailing address. At the same time, the delivery note is printed automatically.

X-Net Farbleiste

Measurable Success


The software records the scanning of a voucher code and the mailing address. Each production step is reported. The error rate within the assembling of diverse products with differing content and the distribution of the voucher is minimised. The software solution assists each production step and displays the status. Especially in the distribution and in the assembling, the working process could be optimized as delivery notes and other covering letters that fit to the voucher are printed automatically. This avoids complex controls of the final products.

At the same time, the software leads to time savings, as each single action is accompanied and supported through displays. Direct quality control is enabled. Especially in the assembling and the distribution of the products, optimisations were realised. Covering letters with the corresponding voucher numbers are printed automatically. Complex rechecks are avoided.

X-Net Farbleiste


The production assisting software is implemented with open source components and standards. Interfaces enable the linking with different ordering systems.

Already existing production and inventory management software as well as ERP solutions (e.g. SAP) are not fitting to the individual needs. Within the development of an individual software it is ensured that the solution matches all requirements.

X-Net Farbleiste

Key Data of the Project

Project start: August 2012

Project duration: 2 month


Find out more about Estermann GmbH at www.estermann-druck.at

X-Net Farbleiste