Farbleiste X-Net

Network Optimisation

by admin last modified 2019-08-30T19:46:19+01:00

X-Net Logo Network Optimisation

Growing networks

IT networks grow with a company - and some day reach a point where the structures do not fit the size of the company anymore.

« When a company expands, the requirements on the companies network increase. Existing hardware and methods of operations are supplemented by new elements.  Thereby, complex structures arise and easy administrative tasks become problematic and time-killing challenges. »

We help companies to optimise their IT infrastructure long-lasting. First of all we evaluate the existing network structure and server environment and prepare a documentation of the actual status. Depending on the structure of a company and its IT environments, we analyse server and server rooms, firewalls, IP concepts, DNS server, web services, virtualisation solutions, VPN connections, LAN and backup strategies.

Raise Historically grown IT to a professional level

Based on the actual analysis, we identify the existing deficits and prepare a risk analysis and an assessment of risks. Afterwards, we show optimization potentials and define the next steps within the customer. This includes the estimation of time and effort for each step. Additional safety and security analysis and concepts consider cases like e.g. system failures, solutions for data transfer, authentication, encoding, access control etc. 

The combination of professional hardware and software as well as the use of technologies that are up-to-date allow demand-oriented solutions for efficient and secure working. 

X-Net Farbleiste