Farbleiste X-Net


by admin last modified 2020-11-10T08:56:37+01:00

Research and Innovation, Speech Nikolaus Dürk at UNIDO conference

REsearch, Innovation and Security

Being one step ahead of the state of the art - innovative project approaches can only emerge through cooperation.

« In our work we combine creativity with craftsmanship. Research projects, networked thinking, cooperation across companies and institutes are our arts and crafts with which we create new solutions together with our customers. »
There is a solution for every problem and every task. However, this solution can hardly be found on its own, only the joined exchange leads to new perspectives and the first step in the right direction. 

Depending on requirements and complexity we come back to our partners in the areas of electronics, programming of FPGA, machanical engineering etc. to plan and realise suitable hardware and software solutions. If we are dealing with longer-term development goals for which state-of-the-art technologies are not sufficient, a research project is the way to go.


We develop and implement comprehensive overall solutions that fully match customized processes and functionalities. Our hardware and our software satisfy the requirements of industry 4.0 and can be smoothly integrated in production lines and processes. We also integrate all necessary interfaces and additional components.

If necessary, we cooperate with partners in the areas of electronics, programming of FPGA, mechanical engineering etc. to develop hardware components. The following projects give an overview about our references and hardware projects.


X5 Copystation for SSD, USB, CF

SSD, CF, USB Copying System X5

The high-end copying system X⁵ is with its up to 80 slots the biggest scalable copying system on the market. Designed for the industrial and professional area, it is possible to record data on SSD, CD, SD, USB etc. Recording on different types of data carrier happens parallel. Furthermore the speed of the linux-based system is unique: Medias are being recorded with up to 140MByte/s per slot. »


Logo LION Thales


The LiOn system takes care of connections monitoring and is designed to simplify and accelerate the error detection in case of disruption. The system offers a possibility for alerting over the ESDIS-protocol. Essentially, the system consits of two components: the device which reads the signals (SABG) and the LiOn server system.




The receipt-printer OFFISYbox, which consists of a hardware- and a software-component, can be registerend with only one button at the cash register and is already taking print requests from the central web-printserver. For the connection with the central web-printserver a LAN- or a wireless LAN-connection can be used. »


MOX scalebale Gateway Memory only Linux


The gateway MOX is the ideal solution for a firewall as it is scalable and provides secure connection over the internet and using VPN. Our in-house development MOX is already available in fourth-generation and supports complex applications in companies. It is ideal for the use for the configuration of special features and the realisation of special-purpose solutions. »


DiscMaker - CD/DVD/BD-Robot


The DiscMaker contains up to 30 burning devices and up to three printing systems and is able to produce up to 4000 CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays a day. Though we focus on the single copy: each medium is customised and can have an individual content and can be indivdually labelled.

On the one hand the production of the discs is designed directly for the mass production and on the other hand the production can be self-initiated by visitors and customers on fairs and exhibitions.
Different modules and options (e.g. collection trays for single mediums, cooling system, screen on the outside of the DiscMaker, screen for service guidance at the inside etc.) are arbitrarily combinable so that various applications can be covered. »


Logo careClick


CareCLICK is a flexibly adjustable and easily installable system for making intuitive emergency calls. The operation is carried out by slight pressure and is ready for use in every emergency. Therefore is careCLICK ideal for the use in sanitary rooms, but also in living- and bedrooms. CareCLICK consists of any emergency switches, gateways for receiving signals and a server, which makes an emergency call without any time delay. »


CD/DVD/BD-Robotsystem DISCUS


The DISCUS series covers high-end robot systems for professional production of individual CD, DVD and Blu-Ray with two to ten devices and a capacity of up to 600 optical media. Each DISCUS system can be arranged with different printing methods (Thermo re-transfer, thermo-transfer or ink jet).

The robot systems manufactured in Germany are characterized by robust mechanics and high-quality processing and are ideal for 24 hours operation. Due to the use of conventional standard components (burner drives, power supply units, etc.) no specialist knowledge is required to service the robotics itself. The software-framework OpenRC manages all functions of the robot. A web GUI allows control and management of the robot independent of platform and location.»

X-Net Farbleiste
Project ideas and new project approaches result from our close cooperations with customers and suppliers. To implement innovations, we have an extensive network of specialists from research and industry. Depending on the requirements, we initiate collaboration projects with the fitting partners.

Output of the realised projects is a new state of the art, which is again basis for further developments and enhancements of products and services. Depending on the area of research and the project scope, we collaborate with up to 16 project partners and ccordinate projects with a volume of 1 million EUR.

With our projects we address different topics. The following list gives an overview of realized and current projects.


Logo FlexProd


The aim is the research and development of a platform architecture, which (1) decentrally determines suitable systems as well as suitable service provisions for assigned assignments, (2) supports customers and contractors until the actual occurrence of a business, without carelessly publish data or disclose business secret (secure anonymous auction service through Multi-Party Computation) and (3) to ensure through the integration of blockchain technology the traceability and required transparency for the acceptance of the use of the action service. »


Logo iVolunteer


According to the motto »I AM what I DO« a digital platform for the utilization of informal competencies, which are acquired through voluntary engagement, will be developed. It results in voluntary specific „digital competence passes“ with the aim to visualize existing competencies and to ensure long-term the engagement of volunteers. »


Logo Mal2


With the help of an automated detection of a) fraudulent fake-shops and b) harmful Android Apps an improvement of the cybercriminality-prevention should be achieved. The aim of the MAL2 project is to develop an open source framework, which makes a functional support in the data extraction of the feature creation, in the training and as well as in the analysis of the results possible. »


Logo IoT4CPS


The IoT4CPS project aims to develop guidelines, methods and tools for secure IoT-based applications in the areas of connected and autonomous vehicles and Industry 4.0. »


X5 bitworker

X5 Bitworker

X-Net Technology GmbH has developed the copy system X⁵ to protect the software of products, the know how of companies producing this software and the production of data carrier containing these software components. X⁵ solutions copy personalised and product-specific data on individual data carriers in mass production in a secure and error-free way. Simple handling and thought-out processes support the implementation of overall security strategies for products complying with principles of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. »


Logo way2smart


The „Smart-City-Demoproject“ demonstrates the current state of technical feasible by the interaction of many measures from different scientific, public and economic areas. With the energy autonomy-platform not only the success and the achievement of the project will be measured, also a evaluation toll for the energy automony of Korneuburg will be created. »




The online platform ZAUM links Upper Austrian creative people with producers and gives them the possibility to present themselves together. The users receive a simple tool to find producers, but also other creative people, quickly and easily. Producers are given the opportunity to discover and realise interesting ideas. »


Logo CrAc

CrAc - CoopeRative ACtivities

Non-profit organizations, open source communities or cooperations of companies are characterised through activities that participants mostly provide honorary. The research project CrAc developed a proof-of-concept prototype that supports the collaboration of protagonists in volunteer organizations. »


Logo Themis


The project addresses the structured administration of the inheritance of the own digital identity. On the one hand, the personal data has to be protected against unauthorized access. On the other hand, the Themis platform should allow the transfer of the digital heritage to the defined heirs avoiding any misuse. Therefore, the administration of access keys and the long-term archiving of data are important parts in the development of Themis. »


Logo OpenSecurity

Open Security

The project within the framework of security research aims at the protection of employees and data of puplic institutions. The developed solution protects sensitive and citizen data, which are keeping safe by public institutions against loss and (un)wanted misuse.»


Logo careClick


In the context of a cooperation project we developed an innovative emergency alarm system, which works without any batteries and an external power supply. At the same time, it can be used anywhere, regardless of the initial structural situation, without any additional installation effort or structural adaptions.»


Logo snogg.me


The platform SNOGG.ME offers local and regional musicians with low popularity the chance of distribution of their productions. SNOGG.ME offers musicians the production of single copies of their CD. Furthermore, musicans can present their CD on the platform and offer it for sale. This service is free of costs. The production of the CD will not start until there is an order, no matter if it is the order of a fan or of the musician by himself. The costs for a production are automatically offset against the selling price. Musicians do not have to invest any money in advance. SNOGG.ME handles payment and distribution and allow musicians to concentrate on making music.»


Parabolic power plant


The modular parabolic trough power plant consits of serveral components that provide data. A web interface allows the inquiry of data and reports. Data can be retrieved directly at the parabolic trough or at Austria via VPN. Besides the access to the established data, also the controlling of the parabolic trough can take place manually over the web interface. The computer network of the parabolic trough is construed, so it can be used as information junction at the same time. The individual modules can be connected over Ethernet. Module groups can furthermore be connected to power plant cluster over wireless LAN. The interfaces are designed that the information junction can offer access to the internet for neighbouring regions, e.g. over wireless LAN. »


Skizzen DiscMaker


The development project idea of the DiscMaker system arised already in the year 2007. From different customer projects various requirements have been resulted, which did not cover the available CD/DVD/BD-Robot systems on the market. The vision of a robot system with several printing systems, air conditioning and a high throughput assumed a concrete form and also the necessary partners and competencies, which are necessary for the development of such a complex system, could be determined.»

X-Net Farbleiste

Cooperations and Development partners

Our goal is to be able to react flexibly and innovatively to individual problems. In order to fulfil complex customer requirements competently and reliably, our involvement in networks makes an essential contribution. 

With the comprehensive networking we want to create a community that can cover many different specialised areas. With this in mind, we are looking for collaborations with companies that have complementary competencies and that want to pass on their strengths to their customers in networks and cooperations.

Numerous cooperation partners from different areas and industries are already networked with us. In order to be able to actively offer competence transfer, we are also partners in several networks. 

X-Net Farbleiste

Development Partners




is the only German manufacturer that produces fully automatic robots for copying CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs, with integrated printing systems. Our cooperation started in 2004 and together we arrange highly professional hardware and software solutions to automatically produce optical and flash media for our customers. »


Logo AIT

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

is Austria's largest non-university research institute which connects science and industry. Our close cooperation mainly covers the topics IT security, production of the future and internet of things. »


Logo ATV Elektronik

ATV Elektronik

develops customised electronics for special applications and produces single copies or small batches. The collaboration startet in 2008 and comprises projects like the realisation of monitoring systems for network connections, the implementation of the copy system X5 or the development of a parabolic power station. »


Logo BG tech

BG tech Metallbau GmbH

Metal in perfection: sheet metal is processed in all variations. »


Logo Estermann

estermann gmbh

Print service provider for digital and offset printing »


Logo FH Oberösterreich

FH Hagenberg

The exploratory focus of the faculty Informatics, Communications and Media contains software technologies, media and knowledge technologies as well as information and communication systems. The cooperation was tested and deepened in several projects on the topics of inheritance of digital data and matching of tasks and acquired competences. »


Logo GTN GmbH


is expert in the areas of e-learning, content management, web applications and social networks. Various projects are internationally known, e.g. the ePortfolio module 'exabils ePortfolio for Moodle'. We already realised numerous projects for our customers together, i.a. we closely work together at the project iVolunteer. »


Logo Nordfels

Nordfels GmbH

Automation technology based on state-of-the-art robotics and mechatronics - from the definition of an idea to the creation of complex special machines. As a universal development partner, Nordfels can look back on many years of excellent references. »


Logo Johannes Kepler Universität LInz JKU

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

On different projects we work together with several institutes of JKU Linz, e.g. with the Instiute of Digital Business and the Institute for Application-oriented Knowledge Processing. »


Logo Softpoint Electronic

Softpoint IT-Solutions GmbH & Co KG

network services, maintenance, trading of IT products, outsourcing of IT services »


Logo Thomas Krenn


assemble customized system solutions quickly, easily and directly. All servers of Thomas-Krenn.AG are manufactured in Germany. »



X-Net Farbleiste



Logo AfB - Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderung

AfB - Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderung

The charitable company has specialised on revitalising discarded IT-hardware from companies and public institutions. AfB has specialised on certified data cleaning of hardware. After data cleaning, testing, cleaning of the hardware, and uploading new software, the hardware is ready for reselling. The over all aim is to employ 500 handicaped employees in the IT-environment.. »


Logo akostart OÖ

akostart OÖ

helps graduates to form their own enterprise and to establish start-up companies. The association supports them from forming of a concept until market entry. Johannes Kepler University Linz, University of Applied Sciencies Upper Austria and University of Art and Design Linz are responsible for akostart. »


Logo Arnulf Kossak

Arnulf Kossak

works as illustrator, cartoonist and caricaturist. He is also creating artworks like paintings and drawings. We are using cartoons and illustrations on and off to demonstrate and communicate our services. Of course, we are asking Arnulf Kossak for illustrations. »


Logo Creative Region

Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria GmbH

The city of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria support growth and succes of the creative industry within the initiative CREATIVE REGION. Together with CREATIVE REGION we are consulting creative professionals in submitting of requests for funding. »


Logo Innovation 4.x

Innovation 4.x

follows the idea "innovations create opportunities, not losers" and supports innovation for the benefit of society, science, economy and environment as a non-profit, politically independent platform for civil society. »


Logo InterNetX

InterNetX GmbH

On of the biggest provider of domains, web space and hosting for reseller worldwide. »


Logo IT-Cluster


is the largest Austrian cooperation network in the IT sector and part of Business Upper Austria, the business agency of the Upper Austrian government. Personal contacts of IT-Cluster to more than 170 partner companies create space for knowledge exchainge, cooperation and innovation. One focus is on information security and data protection. »


Logo Multimatic Edelstrom

multimatic EDELSTROM GmbH

is a specialist for uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Personal computers, safety systems and industrial applications etc. depend on a reliable power supply. Voltage fluctuations and peaks cause about 80 % of the disruptions of a server unit. They occur about 120 times a month. High-quality UPS devices that not only step in when needed, but also continuously supply the consumer with freshly produced, perfect power, put things right. »


Logo nic.at

nic.at GmbH

is the official registration authority for all Domains ending with .at, .co.at and .or.at. »


Logo Ubiquiti Enterprise Wireless Admin

Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.

is manufacturer of active network components and important partner in the realisation of WLAN networks. We are certified Enterprise Wireless Admin and install and configure your WLAN according to your requirements. »


Logo Value Dimensions

Value Dimensions Management Services GmbH

The consulting company stands for a value- and result-oriented consulting approach that combines professional and social competence with a high level of commitment to the success of its clients. The goal of Value Dimensions is to support the further development of financial control and management. »


Logo X-Visions Gerd Rosenauer

X-Visions Gerd Rosenauer

is industrial designer and creates professional appearances for products that are manufactured industrially, graphic arts and web solutions. As an example, Gerd Rosenauer developed the design of our robot system DiscMaker. »


X-Net Farbleiste